Did You Know? TAM Cards Are Required for Serving Alcohol at Special Events and Festivals

FestivalsIt’s a beautiful September in Las Vegas, and the always popular Life is Beautiful festival is right around the corner! A huge number of volunteers and employees will descend onto the festival grounds in downtown Las Vegas from September 25-27 to help serve and sell alcoholic beverages to festival attendees. If you’re planning to participate, are you prepared? As with any upcoming festival, it is a good time to remind people about the rules concerning all special events.

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol awareness cards ARE required for anyone selling or serving alcoholic beverages for any length of time, including special one-time events… and the TAM® Card is the one you should have. We often receive calls asking if TAM Cards are needed for individuals who will be working to sell or serve alcoholic beverages for festivals, special weekend events, weddings, and similar situations. Even if you will only be working in this type of position for a short period of time, an alcohol awareness card is still mandatory. It protects you, your employer, and your patrons.

Taking it a step further, all hospitality professionals should remember that checking for ID is a huge responsibility. Room service, banquets, conventions, limo rides, race tracks, weddings, festivals, company picnics and celebrations, concession stands, and the list goes on! ID Checking at special events is absolutely imperative – are you following the letter of the law?

Just because a participant may have a special event pass, or may be attending an “adults only” wedding reception, that does not relieve the server from checking for photo ID. Bartenders should follow procedure to card anyone who appears to be 30 years of age or younger. It is better to be safe than sorry, and helps to keep underage guests safe.

To register for an online or on-site alcohol awareness course and obtain your TAM Card, visit TAM of Nevada’s website today!