Keep your contact information up to date with the TAM Card® office

TAM_Card_Larger_RoundHave you ever lost or misplaced your TAM Card®? We understand how frustrating it can be to have your wallet lost or stolen. Here at TAM®, sometimes we receive telephone calls from Good Samaritans who find wallets and/or TAM Cards®, and want to get the belongings back to the owner.

While we never give your contact information to outside sources, always try to get in touch with you directly if someone finds your TAM Card. We always do our best reunite you with your lost belongings.  For this reason, we’d like to encourage you to please let us know if you have a change in your contact information. If we have the most up-to-date phone numbers and e-mail addresses for our customers, we have a much better chance of reaching you.

If you would like to update your information in our system, please contact our friendly office staff at [email protected] or by text at (702) 545-6664. They would be more than happy to update your contact info.

We also encourage you to take a photo of all your work cards, in case they are ever lost or stolen. It can be helpful to have a record of your important work card information, such as your TAM Card number, expiration dates, and more.

Even if your lost TAM Card® isn’t returned, don’t worry. We can print you a replacement card. Check out our blog post How to Get a Replacement Card in 3 Easy Steps for more information.

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