Alcohol and Energy Drinks – A Dangerous Cocktail

We have all heard the sayings about popular “alcopops.” They are like a binge in a can, are marketed to teens, and worse. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration declared alcoholic energy drinks to be a public health concern and concluded that caffeine added to malt alcoholic beverages was an unsafe food additive (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). However, that doesn’t stop bartenders and consumers alike from mixing up their own alcohol and energy drink cocktails for a quick pick-me-up. Unfortunately, research has found that users who mix alcohol and energy drinks are three times more likely to binge drink than users who do not mix alcohol and energy drinks (CDC). For even more information on the dangers of mixing alcohol and energy drinks, check out the following video from Discovery News.

This should serve as a reminder for all hospitality professionals to serve responsibly, monitor your patrons carefully, and be extra vigilant if you are serving beverages mixed with energy drinks or highly caffeinated beverages (ex. Vodka and Red Bull).


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