Laying the Foundations for Success: Building Repeat Bar Business

Building repeat business is crucial to the success of any bar or restaurant. It’s not enough to impress your guests when they visit; the overall goal is to make sure they come back, again and again! You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure it’s a solid one.

Nightclub & Bar recently released a blog post, “Seven Steps to Building Repeat Business,” and we here at TAM® of Nevada wholeheartedly agree with their advice, and recommend it as reading for any service professional. Make sure to check out their article for their tips on wowing guests and keeping them coming back for more. We certainly agree with their tips to acknowledge regulars and serve hospitably.

Regular guests like to be acknowledged by staff with even a simple “welcome back” or “nice to see you again.” Managers or bartenders who greet their repeat customers by name, or even remember their drink orders or preferences will impress guests and net better tips. Also remember that good food, drinks and a great ambiance are not the only components to a great night out. It’s important to always be hospitable. Excellent service will wow guests, keep them coming back, and increase the buzz about your establishment by word of mouth.

For even more tips on how to increase sales and provide a fabulous experience for your guests, make sure to read our blog posts, “Set the Tone and Increase Your Earnings with Positive Body Language,” and “Are Your Happy Hour Deals Falling Flat? New Ideas to Boost Your Bar Sales.”

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. What tips would you give someone to increase their repeat business?


Seven Steps to Building Repeat Business – Nightclub & Bar

© 2011 National Hospitality Institute®, TAM® of Nevada

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